


Practice Areas

  • Litigation
  • IP Enforcement
  • Commercial Dispute

Wardaya is a Partner of K&K Advocates who has been practicing as an advocate for more than 20 years since 1998, especially in the field of litigation, including Civil, Commercial litigation, State Administrative Law and State Administration, mediation, and arbitration as well as general criminal law litigation and special criminal law. In practice, he also provides consultation and advice as well as legal opinions in the fields of civil law, commercial, corporate, state administration and state administration as well as general criminal law and special crimes. Wardaya had handled various legal cases involving national and multinational companies, business entities state-owned and individual and government officials in various legal cases.

Wardaya started his career by joining several Law Firms in Jakarta as an Advocate before finally joining K&K Advocates in 2017, besides being active as an Advocate with more than 20 years of experience, Wardaya is also active in several Advocate Organizations, including the Indonesian Legal Advisors Association and PERADI. as well as organizations outside of the field of law, such as the Indonesian Association of Law Scholars and several Non-Governmental Organizations and Legal Aid Institutions.

Through his twenty years of career experience, Wardaya had also handled various major litigation cases and various corruption cases and state administrative justice processes that are closely related to the management of state assets by representing national and multinational companies and government officials with very satisfactory results. Wardaya’s extensive experience in handling various legal cases has also been manifested in various legal articles and writings in various media.


  • Master of Law Universitas Padjadjaran 2007
  • Bachelor of Law Universitas Sebelas Maret 1990-1995