Online Application Service Upgrade Intellectual Property Registration

Nov 11, 2021

The online intellectual property filing system (IPRONLINE) which has been introduced by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has succeeded in increasing the growth of intellectual property registration.

The increase in intellectual property registration can be seen from the number of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) revenues which has been improved in 2020. This was revealed in the Philippine-Indonesia Intellectual Property Forum for Business Webinar recently.

The webinar explained the developments and progress that Indonesia had made after the Directorate General of Intellectual Property implemented online application services in registering copyrights, patents, trademark, industrial designs and others.

In the webinar, it was revealed that in 2020 the total of PNBP receipts has reached Rp789 billion. This figure increased when compared to the achievement in 2019 which was only recorded at Rp.714 billion. The increase in PNBP receipts means that the number of applications for intellectual property registration has also increases.

Director of Patents, Layout Design of Integrated Circuits, and Trade Secrets, Dede Mia Yusanti, as quoted from the official website while giving a presentation in the Webinar, stated that the Indonesian Government continues to be proactive in promoting intellectual property as one of the strategic issues by preparing the National Intellectual Property Strategy (NIPS).

According to Dede, there are at least 7 strategic issues in the preparation of NIPS, including efforts to encourage initiatives from various parties such as business players, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and universities, as well as efforts to encourage the commercialization of intellectual property to generate economic benefits.

To encourage these efforts, the Directorate General of Intellectual Property has implemented various supporting policies such as the launch of the Intellectual Property Online (IPRONLINE) system, in order for all intellectual property applications can be processed online.

The Directorate General of Intellectual Property continues to improve registration services for intellectual property owners in the hope that the stakeholder can easily register copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial designs. With registration, the intellectual property owned by the applicant will be protected by law (jpk/obs/su)


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