Central Java Dieng Plateau Coffee, another Indonesian GI to be registered

Feb 17, 2022

The Dieng plateau is famous for its Temple, annual festivals, and fantastic natural mountain view that has become an important destination for foreign and domestic tourists. The area does not only have its natural beauty but also possesses historical values and also its legends. It is said that the Dieng plateau is the place where gods and goddesses reside.

The land in the Dieng plateau is very fertile. Due to its elevation of 2.158m above sea level, many varieties of agriculture grow. Little did you know, the area is the main producer of vegetables in Central Java and one that produces high-quality coffee. Coffee from each region has a distinctive taste and aroma since it is influenced by the specific geographical and climatic conditions of the location of the coffee plantation.

Whereas Dieng Arabica Coffee has a distinctive taste due to the organic fertilization process, it is supported by fertile soil contours, and it grows in an area that is cooler around the Dieng Banjarnegara Mountain range. Realizing the characteristics inherent in the coffee, the society in the Dieng Plateau has taken the initiative to protect this commodity by submitting an application for registration at the Directorate of Trademarks and Geographical Indications. For which there are only 99 registered Geographical Indications in Indonesia.

The application of Arabica Coffee Dieng Banjarnegara for geographical indications has been submitted on December 29, 2020, with application no. E-IG.00.2020.000022 is now in the publication period from December 31, 2021 - March 3, 2022, as published in Geographical Indications Official Gazette Series A No. 019/E-IG/XII/A/2021 for 2 months. During the publication period, a third party has the opportunity to file an opposition against the application pursuant to Law No. 20/2016 on Trademark and Geographical Indications. Upon non-opposition, it will proceed to the substantive examination stage before being certified.

According to the Geographical Indications Official Gazette, the coffee developed in the Dieng Banjarnegara Mountain range is Arabica and Robusta. Robusta coffee is produced in 19 sub-districts, while Arabica is produced in 7 sub-districts. From the results of the coffee tasting test conducted at the Jember Coffee and Cocoa Research Center, the Dieng Banjarnegaranarabica coffee has excellent and flawless quality. The taste of this coffee has a strong aroma, with a hint of a taste of brown sugar, spicy, bright acidity, grassy, fruity, greenish, caramelly, and it has pandan fragrant, and nutty.

Arabica Coffee from the Dieng Banjarnegara Mountain range is nominated as one of the best coffees in the archipelago. It even entered the top four of The Best Indonesian Coffee, which won at the Indonesian Specialty Coffee Contest (KKSI) organized by the Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association in 2018. Therefore, the urgency to register Arabica coffee from Mount Dieng Banjarnegara is to maintain the reputation of this coffee nor gain any exclusive rights of this region (rie/alb/su)

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